Jimmy Mitchell and professional witness
[page 65, line 15]
I want to give you — I know we’re short of time here, and I don’t want to prolong this agony. Let me give you three examples of a great put-down. Now, I hate people that tell stories that make themselves look good, and I’m not saying this makes me look good. But all of you remember Jimmy Mitchell. Well, we had a — well, some people call him a professional witness, Dr. Morty Mason, who was the balloon man for Dallas County for years. And Jimmy had him on cross-examination, and he says, “Now, Dr. Mason, do you remember in — two years ago when we tried the Smith case and you testified so and so? And three years ago when we tried the Jones case you testified so and so?” And I jumped up and objected to Judge Cox. I says, “Judge, it’s obvious that he represents all the drunks in Dallas County, but can we get on with this trial.” Well, that case went up on appeal and the court — this is a true story; it’s in the books. The court says, “It’s very obvious that he does represent all the drunks in Dallas County.”